Supplier Engagement

Supplier Strategy

Suppliers are a critical part of the extended TPI team, and they work with us every day to meet and exceed the needs of our customers. We count on our suppliers to meet the same high standards for safety, quality, delivery, and cost that we place on ourselves. In addition to upholding TPI’s expectations as communicated in our policies and procedures, we actively engage with our suppliers to develop a world-class sustainability program described below.

TPI purchases materials, products, and services to support production across our global manufacturing facilities. The primary raw materials are epoxy resins and adhesives, carbon reinforcements, advanced fiberglass fabrics, core materials (balsa wood and foam), coatings, lightning protection systems, and attachment hardware. TPI prioritizes relationships and opportunities with suppliers where performance and the environmental and human rights impact of their operations and supply chain are essential considerations. We continue to expand our use of local and regional suppliers to ensure as a continuous uninterrupted supply of materials, to improve flexibility and customer responsiveness, as well as to reduce transportation distance and carbon emissions.


Responsible Sourcing

Doing Business with TPI

TPI seeks relationships with suppliers that operate in accordance with our Supplier Code of Conduct in their own operations, their supply base, and business relationships.

  • Provide goods and services of high quality and integrate quality into business processes in accordance with TPI’s Supplier Quality Statement
  • Respect all internationally recognized human rights and operate in accordance with the requirements and policies outlined in the Supplier Code of Conduct. Suppliers will:
    • Comply with applicable laws and regulations
    • Behave ethically and with integrity
    • Respect human and labor rights, and promote the safety, health and well-being of all workers and adhere to TPI’s Human Rights Policy 
    • Foster a culture of diversity, equity and inclusion
    • Provide transparency and accountability around business practices and comply with TPI’s Conflict Minerals Policy 
    • Operate in a manner that reduces environmental impact and complies with TPI’s EHS Policy 
    • Commit to TPI’s Supplier Sustainability Commitments and make reasonable efforts to disclose information relevant to these standards
    • Understand and comply with TPI’s requirements under the TPI Standard Terms and Conditions and require their suppliers to do the same
    • Understand how their products and services can directly benefit TPI and the solutions we offer our customers


Supplier Selection & Due Diligence

TPI takes a systematic approach to identifying and managing sustainability risk within our supply chain operations and our third-party business partners.

  • All new suppliers are screened, verified, and continuously monitored by TPI through a third-party compliance vendor.
  • Existing and prospective suppliers of key raw materials complete a comprehensive sustainability assessment on an annual basis and as part of the supplier selection process.
  • We have implemented a third-party due diligence program for conflict minerals reporting to further improve transparency and traceability within the supply chain, as disclosed in SEC SD Report.
  • TPI monitors key suppliers utilizing a quarterly Supplier Scorecard which includes criteria for quality, performance, compliance, and sustainability.  Metrics can be found in TPI’s Supplier Quality Statement
  • Supplier audits (remote/on-site) are conducted on a range of topics including EHS, quality, process control, and ESG.


Supplier Sustainability Program

One of TPI’s top priorities is to improve our sustainability opportunities throughout our supply chain. To achieve our sustainability goals, we have established a supply chain sustainability program to require and inspire our suppliers to engage with us around sustainability priorities while also increasing transparency.

TPI has established the following goals with our top suppliers across key sustainability areas, including safety, carbon neutrality, waste management, and IDEA:

  • Safety: Year-over-year reduction of incident rates with a goal and plan to drive towards zero
  • Carbon Neutrality: Year-over-year reduction of CO2 emissions with a goal to reach Carbon Neutral by 2030, without use of offsets
  • Waste Management: Year-over-year reduction of waste to landfill and incineration without energy recovery to reach zero waste by 2040
  • IDEA: Identify and implement initiatives that foster a culture of inclusion, diversity, equity, and awareness.